7OCT2023: Canine Infection Respiratory Disease (CIRD) OUTBREAK!

Good Morning!!

The field trial community has had outbreaks in 4 of the 5 regions. In the show world, a national specialty in Oregon with the Goldens’ had exposer and the CIRD was spread across the country. We need all of the Spaniel community informed so we do not have similar issues at all of our Nationals.

I have spoke to Tom Meyers, AKC who has met with Caroline Murphy, AKC and they would like the information shared with all!!!!!

If you have questions, please let me know!!!

Thank you so much for your assistance!!!

Cristy K Joy

ESSFTA President


Outbreak of Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease 10-4-23 (2)

AKC Canine Respiratory Infectious Disease Awareness 9-29-2023


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