

Received August 17, 2023 from ESSFTA:

The judges list has been updated. We believe the last judging date is now accurate. We worked with HuntSecretary.com to obtain a data feed quarterly that will help us update the last judging and Open/Amateur assignments. We ask that you review the list and help us identify any issues especially if you judged between 1/1/21 and 4/30/21.

Some assignments may have been counted twice. Please report any issues to
Josh Riddle ([email protected]).

Thank You for your support,

ESSFTA Board of Governors

Judges List as of April 5, 2024

2024 Judges Report 5 April 2024

To use the AKC searchable Judges directory click here.

You can find the AKC Spaniel Rule book by clicking here.

You can find the  Blue Book by clicking here.

You can find the Green Book by clicking here.


ESSFTA Field Trial Judge Apprentice Program Information

For the  Current Apprentice Judge List as of 3/31/2020:

Apprentice List as of 03312020

For the  Apprentice Evaluation Form click here.

Note: Club secretaries are to have this filled out and signed by the judges after the trial. It can be emailed or mailed to Lisa Pyle, Apprentice Program Coordinator (APC)

For the Apprentice Eligibility Requirements as of 7/1/2011 click here.

For the Apprentice Resume click here.

To contact the ESSFTA Apprentice Coordinator, Lisa Pyle click here

Field Trial Apprentice Rules and Evaluation Forms

April 1, 2014 

Effective immediately for any individual that does NOT pass the Parent Club Written Test,  there will be a 90 day waiting period before the test may be taken again.  No Apprentice assignments shall be accepted until the test has been taken, graded and a passing score confirmed by the Apprentice Program Coordinator.

July 15, 2011

To All Interclub Chairs and Field Trial Clubs:

Effective July 1, 2011, there is a revision in the ESSFTA Apprentice Program.

Prior to accepting an invitation to apprentice at a trial, each Apprentice Judge must attend and participate in at least one parent club approved Judging Seminar and successfully pass the parent club written test in that order.

As a reminder, there is a requirement for an APPRENTICE EVALUATION FORM to be completed and signed by each teaching Field Trial Judge presiding over an Apprentice Judge. (Changes to this requirement can be found on the new document.) Prior to the trial a copy of this form will be sent to each Teaching Judge by the Field Trial secretary. After the completion of the trial, these evaluation forms will then be sent by the field trial secretary to the Apprentice Program Coordinator (APC)  and kept on file, until the Apprentice satisfies and passes both apprenticeships required by the ESSFTA "NEW JUDGE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS".

The requirement states, "The Apprentice Judge must complete a total of two (2) All Age Trials, (each trial consisting of one Open and one Amateur Stake) under four (4) different Judges with one judge at each stake being designated as the Teaching Judge." Only one apprentice may be invited per trial. Judges now must have judged 8 All Age Stakes (4 trials) before they can be a teaching judge.

 The following is a further explanation of the Apprentice Requirement: A new apprentice must complete 2 All-Age trials, (a trial by definition includes an Amateur and an Open stake). Each trial must have two totally different judges. At each trial, the apprentice must be under one teaching judge for the Open Stake, and the Amateur Stake with the other judge. This allows all four judges the opportunity to be with the apprentice during the complete stake, and each judge must fill out and sign the evaluation form. A judge must have judged 8 All Age Stakes (4 trials) before he/she is qualified as a teaching judge. This will give new judges time to refine their own skills before taking on the task as a teaching judge.

 Before the apprentice is invited by the Field Trial Committee, he/she must be approved by the Interclub Chair, and by each Judge. Only one apprentice per trial may be invited. Having one apprentice per trial allows the judges to dedicate quality time to the apprentice without any undue interruptions or distractions. Given that both Judges are required to be a Teaching Judge, and must pass or fail the apprentice, they must meet the new teaching judge qualification and be comfortable with this situation. They have the initial option to refuse or accept the apprentice. The Field Trial Committee and the Interclub Chair should use the recommended criteria to invite and approve the apprentice. These recommendations are included in the rules.

So that there is no misunderstanding, the Apprentice Program Coordinator (APC) will need to receive 4 completed ESSFTA Evaluation Forms from the judges, passing the apprentice; 2 Opens and 2 Amateurs from the 4 judges, completed in 2 trials. This gives the apprentice the full value of judging a whole trial, walking with each judge, and having the opportunity to observe dogs handled by both Amateur and Professional handlers.

These recent changes have been made due to the concerns voiced to the ESSFTA Field Governors by our field trial community. If there are any problems concerning this issue, please contact the ESSFTA Apprentice Program Coordinator (APC).

You must download Acrobat reader in order to print these documents. (Icon provided below.) These rules have been made available to all clubs for distribution to club members, along with the APPRENTICE EVALUATION FORM. When an Apprentice is invited to a trial, the host club must give the Apprentice and each of the Teaching Judges a copy of these rules and also a copy of the evaluation form, in order for the Apprentice and the Teaching Judges to be aware of what is to be expected. APPRENTICE RULES-EFFECTIVE 7-1-11.

For a full list of judges, please use the AKC website to access Field Trial Judges names, numbers and addresses. THE AKC SEARCHABLE JUDGES DIRECTORY.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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